Friday, November 13, 2009

Handmade HP Trap 手机吊饰


Thursday, October 8, 2009


My Scheming Mask : Provence Lavender Soothing Mask

薰衣草萃取液能平衡皮脂分泌、其香味可鎮定心情,使人較為放鬆!是針對敏感型肌膚專用,可舒緩皮膚的緊繃感及刺痛感,更添加洋甘菊萃取液和玻尿酸可增進皮 膚彈性,透出水嫩光采。。
Lavender extract balances sebum secretion. The fragrance calms and relaxes your mind. This mask is specially formulated for sensitive skin to soothe the tight and tingly feelings on face. With chamomile extract and hyaluronan added, this mask improves skin elasticity and give you a smooth and radiant skin.

My Scheming Mask : Camellia Japonica Hydrating Mask
天然山茶花萃取液可增加肌膚保濕及平撫作用,同時具有修護功效,玻尿酸、鎖水磁石保濕因子、荷荷巴滋潤油能使肌膚的保水能力變好,提升肌膚保濕效果,全面 緊實臉龐,透出水嫩光采。
The natural camellia extract increases the moisturizing and soothing function. And, it also repairs skin. Hyaluronan, saccharide isomerate moisturizing factor, and jojoba oil improve skin and prevent moisture loss. This mask improves hydrating effect and revitalizes your face for smooth and radiance effects.

My Scheming Mask : Bulgarion Rose Whitening Mask

玫瑰萃取液可深層滋潤肌膚、改善肌膚暗沉不均勻現象,玻尿酸可幫助肌膚補充水分,使用後可在肌膚上形成保護膜預防水分蒸發,使肌膚回復正常之張力讓肌膚更 細緻柔嫩。
Rose extract deeply moistures skin and improves uneven skin tone. Hyaluronan in this mask helps skin to replenish moisture. A protective layer preventing moisture loss is left on the skin upon. Your skin restores the normal tension for a delicate and smooth look!

RM3.50 per pcs

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Taiwan Organic Beauty Bank Aloem Gel Mask

Taiwan Organic Beauty Bank Aloem Gel Mask

Product Name: Olivem Pore Clear Up Mask ( Black ) - for comedo
Application: After cleansing, gently spread and apply evenly over cleansed, dry face, avoiding the eyes, lips, and eye brows. After the mask has dried (approximately 30mins), peel off from the outer edges upwards towards the centre gently. Then apply your moisturiser. This can be used on the whole face or on the nose area only if you like. 2 – 3 times a week is sufficient.

Effect: The main active ingredient of this product, Olivem Pore Clear Up Mask(Black), is kaolin. Kaolin comes from volcanic ash and has a high mineral content. It is useful for oily skin. It naturally draws pore-clogging dirt and oil from skin while xanthan gum help hydrate and act as anti-inflammatory agents. Leaves skin clear, smooth and even-toned. Gently remove dead skin and rough patches, working deep into the pores to reduce their appearance.

Product Name: Aloem Rose Gel Conditioning Mask
Application: Apply thin layer to clean damp skin. Let rest on skin for 10-15minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Effect: The main active ingredient of this product, Aloem Rose Gel Conditioning Mask is rose essential oil. It helps to rejuvenate dead cells and aging skin. With aloe vera and rose essential oil are gently soothe and hydrate the skin.

Product Name: Aloem Aloe Vera Gel

Application: Apply thin layer to clean damp skin. Let rest on skin for 10-15minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Effect: The main active ingredient of this product, Aloem Aloe Vera Gel is aloe vera. Aloe Vera, native to Africa, is also known as the "plant of immortality" and the "medicine plant". Aloe Vera is an amazing mixture of more than 200 constituents, including polysaccharides, enzymes, glycoproteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Aloe Vera is one of the most potent sources of Vitamins E and C - anti-oxidants that counter the aging effects wrought by free radicals. There are young people who take it to prevent the premature aging symptoms.
Product Name: Shenos Exfoliation Gel

Application: Massaging in gentle, circular motions on clean skin ( do not apply to skin ). Rinse with water and gently pat skin dry.

Effect: The main active ingredient of this product, Shenos Exfoliation Gel, is papain. The linked papain is more active in the upper layers of the stratum corneum. Once applied, the activity of the enzyme steadily increases for two hours, and then rapidly decreases. After three hours have elapsed, the activity of linked papain is reduced to zero. The linked papain has been shown to be highly effective at promoting turnover of the stratum corneum. The linked papain can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, erase aging spots, rejuvenate and smooth the skin.

Price: RM2.30 Each / 5 for RM10.00

Friday, September 11, 2009







Price: RM2.30 Each / 5 for RM10.00

Thursday, September 10, 2009



Price: RM2.30 Each / 5 for RM10.00

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

VOV 韩美素植物眼贴膜

VOV 韩美素植物眼贴膜 4种植物4种功效
一、薰衣草祛眼袋一贴灵眼贴膜【紫色】 采用精选薰衣草精华液,有效对细胞进行活性按摩,加速眼部肌肤血液循环,舒缓眼部肌肉和神经紧张,延缓眼部肌肤衰老,另含天然芦荟精华及维生素,直接渗入肌肤基底层给肌肤深度滋养,有效收紧眼下的脂肪袋,帮助恢复眼部弹性度,滋润度,让您拥有一对水汪汪的眼睛。

二、玫瑰祛鱼尾纹眼贴膜[粉色] 蕴含玫瑰萃取精华及人参等独家的复合植物配方,促进表皮细胞的再生更新,有效抵御细胞老化,并给与眼部提供丰富的滋养成分,另含水解蛋白和多种维他命,帮助平滑眼部肌肤及消除黑眼圈,可将眼下的脂肪袋收紧,同时能预防眼部松弛,缺水,衰老等现象,令双眼得到深层护理,焕发迷人健康的光彩!

三、洋甘菊祛黑眼圈眼贴膜【黄色】 萃取天然植物洋甘菊精华液,可增强眼圈皮下血管中的血液循环,全面活跃皮肤经络,促进肌肤血脉循环,增强眼组织细胞代谢,激活真皮细胞的原生技能,从而有效祛除黑眼圈,增强血管的通透性,令眼部血气充足,亮目怡神




Price: RM2.30 Each / 5 for RM10.00

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Man Mask

Check Whelk Mask (Anti-Acne Mask)Effects
1. Keeps pimples in check
2. Improves skin complexion
3. Tightens and minimize pores
4. Controls and regulates oil secretion
5. Rapidly replenishes and retains moisture

Suitable for all skin types especially those with acne-prone oily skin.

Check Oil Mask Effects
1. Closes up pores
2. Moisturises the skin
3. Keeps oil secretion in control
4. Cleanses the skin to remove dirt and dead cells
5. Results in cleaner & clearer complexion
Suitable for all skin types especially those with oily skin.

Bamboo Charcoal MaskEffects
1. Repairs and restores skin structure
2. Hydrates skin and lock in moisture to improve skin elasticity
3. Rapidly replenishes and retains moisture to regains youthful skin
4. Soothes tensed up skin and results in healthy glowing complexion
5. High collagen contents and in-depth penetration prevents skin dryness and nourishes skin
Suitable for all skin types especially for maintaining purposes

The Man 系列.....专为男生们使用的面膜

The Man~ 控油面膜.調節油脂分泌、清爽好乾淨「男性控油面膜採用獨特配方是針對所有的男性所研發,溫和清爽的質地,可減少皮脂的分泌,並提供肌膚深層所需的保濕,可針對油性肌膚做最佳保養,調節臉部易出油的部位,可發揮具有淨化肌膚及調節油脂分泌的功效,迅速潔淨、緊緻毛孔,更能徹底深層淨化肌膚,將肌膚的污垢與老化細胞的全部代謝,讓肌膚從表層到深層都潔淨清爽並保濕,深度滋潤肌膚,讓您沉睡已久的肌膚重新展現光采!

The Man~ 男性抗痘面膜.能軟化角質、抑制痘痘滋生 「男性抗痘面膜能控制皮脂活性、調節油脂分泌,改善油膩不潔肌膚、收斂粗大毛孔、預防及改善面皰肌膚。讓您的肌膚一整天都能有清爽不油膩、清新又清透的感覺喔! 並且迅速補充流失的水份,迅速補水,快速恢復年輕, 立即舒緩緊繃的肌膚。

The Man~ 竹炭面膜.亮白保濕、預防乾糙、舒緩緊繃肌膚「竹炭面膜」為滿足現代男性保濕需求研發而成,超服貼的材質更能將面膜中精華液的成分緊緊鎖於肌膚中,再將它傳遞到臉部肌膚的底層鎖起來, 水分鎖住了,又不用擔心面膜會乾掉,肌膚當然就水水飽飽充滿彈性。除了驚人的保濕力之外, 「竹炭面膜」還添加高含量膠原蛋白,含高效保濕因子, 預防乾燥、供給肌膚養分,讓肌膚呈現健康柔皙的膚色,它輕盈的質地可以很快的滲透肌膚深層。 對各種膚質均有保濕、及修護的效果。 並且迅速補充流失的水份,迅速補水,快速恢復年輕, 立即舒緩緊繃的肌膚。


Sunday, August 23, 2009





Friday, August 21, 2009

Mini Plant

Mini Plant

A real plant which doesn't need to fertilize can live it's own in the bottle


1) Unique hand phone chain

2) Car decoration-hang at the rearview mirror

3) Accessories - hanging chain on bag

4) Key chain

5) The most significant present

6) Enterprise visualization present

Product care:

1) Do not remove the cork (don't need supply fertilizer and water), as the growth of microbe and bacteria will affect growth of plant and lead to its death
2) Best expose time per day : normal expose light within 1 hour, do not insolation
3) Dew and bead inside the container is considered normal, no affect the growth of plant
4) Avoid electron wave and strong impact
5) Maintain 20cm distance away from light source
6) enterprise visualization present
Product care:
1) Do not remove the cork (don't need supply fetilizer and water), as the growth of plant and lead to its death
2) Best expose time per day; normal expose light within 1 hour, do not insolation
3) Dew and bead inside the container is considered normal, no affectthe growth of plant
4) Avoid electron wave and strong impact
5) Maintain 20cm distance away from light source
6) This product might not be eaten

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hokkaido Lovers Masks

7 types of Hokkaido Lovers Masks
Anti-Oil + Purifying Mask
Oil secretion control
Improves skin renewal systemImproves skin sensitivity problems, repairs and tightens skin
Argireline Mask
Minimises pores and smoothens wrinkles.
Retains skin moisture and prevents water loss
Repairs skin by improving rough and dullness of skin for skin glowRepairs skin texture to give rise to smooth skin
E.G.F Reconstruct Mask
Regenerates skin and improves/prevents wrinkles
Tightening and hydrating effects
Improves skin elasticity
Hyaluronic Acid Mask
Minimises and prevents wrinkles
Delays wrinkles formation
Improves skin elasticity and moisturizing effect
L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask
Prevents formation of dark spots
Smoothens uneven skin to give rise to soft smooth skin
Improves skin regeneration and brightens skin

Q10 Elastin Mask
Prevents wrinkles and ageing
Gives hydrating and smooth effect
Improve skin elasticity by tightening skinAids in skin regeneration
Sakura Whitening Mask
Natural Vitamin C repairs the pores and nourishs the skinImproves pigmentation problematic areas and soothes skin
Controls and improves sebum secretion, resulting in healthier and glow-ly skin

RM3.50 per pcs

Tuesday, August 18, 2009









RM3.50 per pcs

Monday, August 17, 2009



Saturday, August 15, 2009

SHISEIDO Vital Perfection Mineral Mud Blackhead Removal Mask

The SHISEIDO Vital Perfection Mineral Mud Blackhead Removal Mask
This is highly effective at reducing and removing black heads. At the same time, it helps in tightening the skin and reducing enlarged pore size. It is easily absorbed into the skin and quickly removes black heads, resulting in clean, clear, and revitalized skin. How to use:
1) Spread and apply evenly onto freshly cleansed dry skin.2) Avoiding areas around the eyes, eyebrows, hairline and lips.2) After the mask has dried, peel off from the outer edges upwards towards the center.3) For best results, apply toner & moisturizer upon completion.4) Use 2-3 times per week
1 time usage per packet (for whole face)2-3 times usage per packet (for nose or T zone area)
Volume: 12 g
Made in Tokyo, Japan

Price: RM2.30 Each / 5 for RM10.00

Shiseido White Mask

Shiseido White Mask
Functions:1. Whitening, revitalizing and anti-aging effects2. Reducing wrinkle, renew elasticity and fight against aging and dulling3. Maintaining moisture and nutrients4. Reducing dark spots, sun spots, black heads, and pimple

Price: RM2.30 Each / 5 for RM10.00

Shiseido Naturgo Mud Mask

Shiseido Naturgo Mud Mask~Originate from deep sea mud, include rich minerals & natural essence. Able to clean pores thoroughly, balancing oil secretion, suppress and lighten pigmentation, achieving whitening effects. Long term usage promotes skin revitalization.
~It has the benefits of deep pore cleansing, removing dirts and impurities, minimizing breakouts, whitening and lightening pigmentation.
~The mask contains a compound LAG Revitalizer which has whitening, revitalizing and anti-aging effects.The LAG Revitalizer can penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, allowing the skin to maintain moisture and nutrients.It fights against dark spots, sun spots, black heads & whiteheads, and pimples, reducing pore size, reducing wrinkles, enhancing skin collagen regeneration, renewing elasticity, resulting in soft and smooth skin.
Directions: Leave on till dry (e.g 15-25minutes) and peel off. Avoid the eyes and lips.
1. Suitable for sensitive skin.2. Minimizes Pores3. Removes dead skin and leaves skin extremely smooth and fresh!4. Controls oil and sebum secretion. Suitable for oily - combination skin!

Price: RM2.30 Each / 5 for RM10.00

Shiseido Whitening Essence Mask

Shiseido Whitening Essence Mask
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:~Re-hydrates delicate face area skin as soften the appearance of fine lines and other visible signs of fatigue~Reinforces the skin's natural protective barrier and promotes optimal radiance~Contains Phyto-vitalizing factor and exclusive Shiseido ingredient~Alcohol-free~Non-clogging to pores
Instruction:~Clean face as usual~Apply mask sheet~Wait for 20mins
*May see the best result in using once a week*

Friday, August 14, 2009


All raw materials used in the formulation of the skincare have obtained QAI* and IASC** approval This is a organic product launching all over Malaysian now. Result Assured.Brand: Organic Beauty BankManufacturer: Haw Tian Cosmetic Co LTD Origin: Taiwan

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Taiwan Organic Mask

Organic productsIntroductory Price – Love your skin with organic
Brand: Organic Beauty Bank/ Shenoes
Manufacturer: Haw Tian Cosmetic Co LTD (prestigious manufacturer)
Origin: TaiwanAll raw materials used in the formulation of the skincare have obtained QAI and IASC approval This is a new 100 % organic product launching all over Malaysian soon. Result Assured.
Main ingredients: ORGANIC aloe vera and ORGANIC glycol (olive )

Apply to face for 15- 30 minutes. Hydrating, whitening and refreshing skin. Can see result immediately!!!!


Collagen - natural protein for structural support, reduce wrinkle
Ingredients: Marine Collagen, Hyaluronic acid, Seaweed Extract ,Lotus Extract, Propylene Glycol, Methyiparaben, Water Methylisothiazolinine, Matricaria Extract

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid - moisturising, retaining water, hydrating
Ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid, WaterCress Extract, Aloe Vera, Propylene Glycol, Methyiparaben, Seaweed Extract, Methylisothiazolinine, Trisodium EDTA, Tomato Extract , Water


Rose -rejuvenate, relaxing, hydrating, whitening
Ingredients: Rose Essential Oil, Rose Water, Aloe Gel, ,Propylene Glycol, methyiparaben, Water Trisodium EDTA, Methylisothiazolinine, Glycerine


Lavender - cleansing, toning, removes redness, relaxing, clear acne ,soothing Ingredients: Lavender Water, Lavender Essential Oil, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Vera, BGlycerine ,Propylene Glycol, Methyiparaben, Water, Trisodium EDTA, Propylene Gycol, Water Methylisothiazolinine, Liquorice Extract

Green tea

Green tea - anti- oxidant, refreshing, oil-balancing, hydrating, whitening, soothing, clear acne
Ingredients: green tea extract, hyaluronic acid, Lavender extract, Aloe Vera, Ivy Extract ,Propylene Glycol, methyiparaben, Water Methylisothiazolinine

Friday, August 7, 2009

Shiseido Whitening Essence Mask

~ renewable living cells to restore the white skin top resultsCleansing --> put the mask --> approximately 20 minutes --> take down the mask -->apply moisturizerSuggestion : long-term usage one week, effect is better

資生堂【羊胎素活細胞再生面膜 】

資生堂【羊胎素活細胞再生面膜 】

* 能分解黑色素,均衡水份及油脂。
* 有效地促进细胞再生功能,给您的皮肤提供全面深层和持久的呵护,使您拥有水一般的娇嫩容颜
* 该面膜具有嫩白去斑等功效。
所含成份:* 凌晨胎盘素提取液、胶原蛋白、维他命B5、高效保湿因子PHYTANTRIOL等。使用方法:* 清洁面部后取出面膜,敷上脸上等待20分钟。* 除去面膜,用水清洁面部。注意事项:* 初用者首先选择自己皮肤适用之尖型面膜* 每天使用一次连续使用十四天为一疗程,以后每星期用二至三次。促进表皮及真皮层细胞的增长,最终使皮层细胞保持丰满和充足的水分,胶原蛋白质达到防皱、祛斑祛皱洁白肌肤的至佳效果,令你的肌肤在短期内变得白皙细腻,光彩照人。本品及其细腻,用后放回带中,放入冰箱,最多可使用三回。使用说明:使用前彻底洁肤,取面膜贴于面部,约20分钟取下,在涂少许润肤霜即可(建议连用一个星期,效果更佳)
產地 : 日本
容量 : 1片/包製造商:日本資生堂株式會社東京都中央區7-5-5 發行至全亞洲
内地演员傅冲日前在博客中曝料,她听一位担任某“羊胎盘素”国内市场部首席的朋友说,许多港星都是他们公司的长期用户,刘德华、张曼玉、李嘉欣每年会在工作 人员陪同下去打针,这一消息被范冰冰证实,她觉得打羊胎盘素的价格太贵,称以后可以考虑尝试一下!羊胎素作为新世纪美容护肤产品,已广为人知。它以延缓衰老,靓丽肌肤,提高机体免疫力,调节内分秘等功效,受到广大消费者的追捧,富人阶层、影视红星更趋之若骛。羊胎素的来源和成份羊胎素从何而来?顾名思义,它是以健康的羊胎盘一系列加工精制而成的。
1912年瑞士科学家卡尔教授因首次发现羊胎盘提取物具有激活身体细胞,延缓衰老作 用,而获得诺贝尔医学奖.
1931年瑞士的德尼罕教授证明了羊胚胎再生及活化功能,并发明了活细胞疗法;1943年日本早稻田大学山岛教授,从新鲜羊胎盘 中提炼出一种黑褐色的液体,并将其命名为“维他命X”,这就是羊胎素.
80年代初瑞士的长洛琳教授研究开发出羊胎素针剂,羊胎素通过毛细血管迅速进入皮 下,使皮肤变得光滑亮泽、红润而富有弹性,使羊胎素的应用研究向前迈了一大步.
中国管理科学研究院研究员何名廉教授在2001年发明了更具科学的从羊胚胎 中提取羊胎素及使用方法,制造了羊胎素美颜露。以中国药材作为药引,带动羊胎素直接进入人体各机能部位,充分发挥活细胞效应。20分钟即显现效果。羊胎素既然那么神奇,那它究竟含有什么成份呢?
采用现代科学对羊胎素进行分解,发现其重要成份是免疫球蛋白和延缓衰老基因sneeiyne(鲜力肽)具有很高应用价值的酶和干扰素,其中蛋白质的含量在 80%以上,氨基酸含量丰富,种类齐全,配比合理,脂肪含量小于10%,还含有丰富的卵磷脂,脑磷脂,脂多糖,多种维生素和微量元素,此外,还有转移因 子,蛋白质活性因子,胶原蛋白素,有机磷复合物,羊膜酸和核酸化合物等。羊胎素有抗衰老作用功效可谓众说纷纭,延缓衰老,靓丽肌肤,提高机体免疫力,调节内分秘等等。有 关羊胎素延缓衰老的动物实验研究表明,羊胎素可以提高超氧化歧化酶(SOD)的活性和含量减少脂质过氧化,从而起到延缓衰老的作用。同时,研究还发现羊胎 素可以使血清和肝组织的丙工醛(MDA)含量以及脑组织的单胺氧化酶(MAO)活性降低,降低MDA能保护细胞免受损伤,抑制MDA能延缓脑的老化,从而 起到延缓肌体衰老的作用。由此可见,羊胎素在延缓衰老这方面的作用是比较肯定的。而羊胎素中所含有的免疫球蛋白,转移因子,蛋白质活性因子等,均有利于身 体免疫力的提高,生长刺激因子,胶原蛋白素,弹性蛋白素,有机磷复合物,羊膜酸,维生素,多种氨基酸及核酸化合物等,则有利于内分秘的调节。

Thursday, August 6, 2009


(ALOEM organic sheet mask)


1) 海洋胶原蛋白弹力面膜
2) 绿茶控油清爽面膜
3) 综合维他命亮白面膜
4) 玻尿酸保湿面膜
5) 玫瑰滋润面膜
6) 薰衣草修复舒缓面膜

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



1. 别致的手机链
2. 车饰-挂在汽车后视镜上
3. 服饰-挂于背包上
4. 钥匙饰品
5. 赠品最有意义得时尚小礼品
6. 企业形象礼品


Friday, July 31, 2009




Price: RM2.30 Each / 5 for RM10.00

SHIDEIDO 资生堂美白修护软膜膏

